What’s on
Tuesday Wonders
Info & FAQs
Why is Tuesday Wonders now focused on documentaries?
Before we closed, our Tuesday Wonders strand included a broad mix of films – from docs and artist films, to classics and hidden gems. Now that our core programme has expanded thanks to our new second screen, and we’ve introduced new regular strands such as reRUN and Pavilion Presents, there’s less need for this strand to be so wide-ranging. So, we decided that Tuesday Wonders should now focus on spotlighting the very best documentaries available, allowing us to regularly champion great works of non-fiction.
I still have an old Tuesday Wonders loyalty card – can I use this?
For anyone who still has a card, please bring it with you to continue having it stamped. And for anyone who has a full card, thank you for your continued support and we’ll of course sort you a free ticket!