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04 Jun 2024

This week's Hyde Park Pick


This week's Hyde Park Pick feels like a perfect film for the first days of Summer. No, we’re not talking about the blaring sunshine of Furiosa which also opens next week, it’s actually Bas Devos’ beautifully subtle fourth feature, Here, which our Head of Cinema, Wendy, wants to quietly shout about.

Wendy Cook

Set in Brussels, Here follows a Romanian construction worker (Stefan) on the verge of moving back home. The context of this major life change is viewed here through the lens of a simple act of ‘life admin’. Clearing out the fridge, making a big pot of food with the leftovers, and then working through the process of sharing that with loved ones as part of a gentle goodbye. 

There’s something really loving and tender in this whole film. This manifests not only in the narrative itself but also in the soft and luscious way the work is constructed. In particular there’s a relationship to the natural world which comes out in incidental off shoots from some of the connections Stefan makes along the way. The accidental meeting with an allotment holder, sharing a path with a botanist studying moss... these sound like small moments but there’s a lovely cinematic way in which Devos shoots, every image is infused with warmth and a real deep beauty. The result is a film which feels deeply connected to both other people and the landscape. Perfect for fans of The Quiet Girl, Before Sunrise, the films of Kelly Reichardt.

Here is showing at HPPH daily from Friday 7th June. Book tickets here.

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