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Cinema Africa (2)
The best new and intriguing African cinema, supported by Leeds African Communities Trust.
Cinema Africa!
Cinema Africa! is a new permanent programme aiming to celebrate the rich variety of African lives and culture through excellent films, for both African and non-African audiences.

What’s on

Cinema Africa!

Sun 05 Jan

Soundtrack to a Coup d'État

Info /

“Africa has a long and rich storytelling culture, and to see our stories on the big screen, is remarkable. A true triumph! #Ubuntu”

Dr Kendi Guantai

Advisory Group Member

Info & FAQs

Why Africa?

African cinema has historically been excluded and underrepresented locally, nationally and internationally. This film strand aims to raise awareness of African life and culture through excellent films for the African and non-African audiences in Leeds. 

We are spoilt for choice, as over 5,000 films a year are now coming from the continent, as well as Africa having a rich heritage of seminal and classic work to share. Join us in expanding your horizons and growing your knowledge of the motherland.

How is the programme curated?

The cinema’s Creative Engagement Officer Mosa Mpetha works closely with the cinema’s programming team, the Independent Cinema Office, an Advisory group and partners Maona Art and The New Black Film Collective. We select the best, most intriguing and deserving of African cinema to show on the big screen. The programme is incredibly varied (just like the lives of Africans) and therefore you will see lots of cross over with the other cinema strands. There is something for everyone!

“The fact that we are committing to a regular African cinema programme at HPPH is quite unique and incredibly exciting!”

Mosa Mpetha

Creative Engagement Officer

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