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20 Nov 2024

HPPH history finds at West Yorkshire Archive Service


Our colleague at Leeds Heritage Theatres, Aaron Cawood, recently delved into HPPH's historic logbooks.

Our colleague at Leeds Heritage Theatres, Aaron Cawood, recently delved into Hyde Park Picture House's past by looking through old logbooks which give fascinating insights into what was on our big screen in the past.

Aaron recently visited the West Yorkshire Archive Service and searched through logbooks from The Picture House's past.

Since opening its doors in 1914, Hyde Park Picture House has been home to iconic moments in social, political and cinema history. From elephants plodding through the streets to promote the latest release to staying open through air raids and keeping the projectors rolling, there is no denying that our cinema has been the focal point for many indelible moments in our local history.

When looking back through our archives, lots of the written material we read through tells incredible stories about that history; postcards between lovers, maps of the city and sketches of our venues, just to list a few we have already explored. But, on a recent visit to the archive, we found ourselves flipping through various ledgers of the day-to-day operations of Hyde Park Picture House in the late 70s and early 80s.

1978 entry in HPPH logbook
1978 entry in HPPH logbook
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