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Whether you're team Edward or team Jacob (or if we're being honest, team Jasper) travel back to Forks for this special Halloween Guilt-Free Pleasures x Creatures of the Night screening. 
Romance • Cult • Coming-of-age

Say it, Say it OUTLOUD Twilight is coming to HPPH!

Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) expects nothing to change when she moves from sunny Arizona to rainy Washington state to live with her dad Charlie. Despite her quintessential teen awkwardness she quickly finds a group of friends who tell her all about the towns hottest and most incestuous family, the Cullens.

After she is snubbed in the biology lab by the prettiest and sparkliest of them all Edward (Robert Pattison) she grows obsessed with gaining his affection and discovering why he hates her.

After an enlightening walk at La Push with childhood crush Jacob (Spoiler Alert - he's a werewolf, but you won't find out until New Moon) he reveals the ancient local rivalry between Vampires and Werewolves, and she begins to realise Edward isn't like other teenage boys. He can stop a moving car with his bare hands. He can run faster than a mountain lion. Oh, and he doesn't hate her he just wants to suck her blood. Well, actually that's not factually correct his family are morally upstanding vampires and only drink the blood of animals (and the occasional tipple from the local blood bank - THANK YOU DR. CARSLILE CULLEN).

Pre-booking is essential as we expect this will sell out quicker than Jacob imprints on that baby!


2hrs 10mins
Catherine Hardwicke
Lions Gate Films UK
Kristen Stewart • Robert Pattinson • Taylor Launter
Country of origin
USA • United Kingdom
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