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We're proud to adopt the F-Rating system here at the Hyde Park Picture House – drawing extra attention to the films in our programme that have been written and directed by women.

Championing women in film

In the film industry today, there's still a considerable and concerning disparity between the number of films written and directed by women, compared with their male counterparts. Even when they do persevere and make a career in film, women often receive little recognition. For example, between 1929 and 2024, only 17% of nominees at the Oscars were women and only 2% were women from the Global Majority.

The solution to this historic and ongoing gender inequality will require changes at every level of the industry, particularly when it comes to which films and filmmakers are being commissioned and funded. Cinemas, however, including the Hyde Park Picture House, can also play a role by making an extra effort to programme and champion films made by underrepresented filmmakers.

That's why we're pleased to adopt the F-Rated system, which awards films either an F-Rating or Triple F-Rating when they have been written and/or directed by a woman, or a non-binary filmmaker. As well as highlighting these films, F-Ratings also act as an ongoing reminder of the disparity that still exists, and what more needs to be done to achieve equal representation within the film industry. 


Films which have been written and/or directed by a woman or non-binary filmmaker, are awarded a single F-rating. On our website this means a special stamp will appear towards the top of the film page. 

Triple F-Rating

Films which have been written and directed by a woman or non-binary filmmaker – and also feature a significant woman on screen – are awarded a Triple F-Rating. With these films, a Triple F-Rated stamp will appear on the film page. 

More about F-Rated

The F-Rated system was devised by Holly Tarquini in 2014, in association with the Bath Film Festival. Today it is adopted by dozens of cinemas and film festivals across the UK. 

You can learn more about the scheme via the F-Rated website.

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