Leeds Filmmaker Network - Steering Group Meeting
Tue 22 Apr · 18:00
An opportunity to help support, organise and develop the future of the Leeds Filmmaker Network, a new and exciting networking opportunity to help support and connect with aspiring filmmakers in our local region in collaboration with Studio 12 and the INDIs Film Fest.
Short films • Intimate • Lo-fi
We are keen for local emerging and aspiring filmmakers to not only attend and participate in our regular Leeds Filmmaker Network events but we also want to open up the opportunity help organise and develop future events to ensure we are able to meet the needs of our local filmmaker community.
This meeting will be an opportunity to meet with organisers from the Hyde Park Picture House alongside our partners at Studio 12 and the INDIs Film Fest to discuss our current aims, our future plans and informally discuss future ideas, events and objectives.
Spaces for this meeting are limited, therefore we advise participants to book in advance.
1hr 30mins
Strobe lighting
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