Leeds Filmmaker Network
Whether you’re straight out of university, already working within the industry or making films on the side, we hope this event will be a fun, inclusive and accessible way to make new connections, find inspiration and watch some amazing new films.
For our INDIs special, we will be joined by writer and director Jordon Scott Kennedy presenting his film 'Youthless' alongside a facilitated discussion and the opportunity to ask questions.
This will be followed by the opportunity for the network to share their own films and pitch projects and ideas.
The opportunity to book a slot to share your own films or pitch a project is no longer available for our upcoming event on Wednesday 5th March.
Our Leeds Filmmaker Network events include:
Opportunities to connect with filmmakers and the wider film industry through screenings and talks, which are curated by us but in response to the network.
Open submissions to present your own films or pitch projects, reach out to collaborators or discuss ideas.
Space to network with other filmmakers through facilitated discussions and Q&As as well as post event networking in our café area.
INDIs Film Fest is one of the few film festivals in the UK dedicated exclusively to emerging creatives aged 16-25. Featuring the best in independent cinema and VR experiences, filmmaking short courses, and a dynamic annual film festival, INDIs is all about connecting young filmmakers with industry opportunities and inspiring the next generation of film fans. The INDIs is part of Leeds Young Film, which also includes Leeds Young Film Festival, a festival aimed at families and children to expand their film viewing horizons and gives children the chance to learn about filmmaking and experience the magic of cinema first hand.
Studio12 is a digital media project for people aged 16–30. It provides free access to a production studio, training, and an industry panel of creative professionals. Studio12 is run by Leeds Central Library, the space houses a fully equipped studio with a wide range of multimedia, video, photography, music equipment and software packages. Studio12 membership allows young people to build bespoke portfolios of work that are tailor-made to the industry. We link with industry partners to ensure our young people are learning the current skills needed, and that their portfolios are in line with industry developments. Studio12 work will be showcased at live events in the city centre and to a global audience on the web.

If you are interested in joining our steering group to help organise and run future events, our first meeting will take place on Tuesday 22nd April at 6.00pm - 8.00pm. Capacity is limited, so please book in advance here.
To make sure you don't miss out on future related events, you can sign up to our newsletter by scrolling to the bottom of this page and filling in the sign-up form.