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Home Ground

Queer East on tour
Kwon Aram's feature debut tells the story of LesVos, the first openly lesbian bar in South Korea, and its owner Myong-woo, whose witty commentary prompts a broader reflection on Seoul’s lesbian scene.
Documentary • Gentle • Empowering

In the mid-1990s, LesVos, opened its doors in Sinchon, Seoul. This documentary follows one of the bar’s proprietors, Myong-woo, and the evolution of the city’s queer spaces over the past five decades.

In her feature debut, Kwon Aram documents generational change as she makes connections between past and present: from the 1976 police raid on Chanel, a women-only café that existed in Myeong-dong in the 1970s, to the more recent threat posed by Covid-19 to community solidarity. This is a film about a shared sense of belonging, and shared environments of kinship. Offering a rare insight into Seoul’s often-hidden lesbian history, Home Ground reveals the vibrancy and endurance of South Korea’s queer culture.

The film will be followed by a recorded Q&A between Queer East and the director.


1hr 18mins
Kwon Aram
Country of origin
South Korea
Korean with English subtitles
Strobe lighting
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