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DIY Filmmaking Challenge

Part of INDIs Film Fest
Sun 23 Mar · 11:30
Join us for BFI Film Academy Plus Showcase: a celebration of some of the best films made by young, Northern filmmakers as part of our DIY Filmmaking Challenge: Action and Adventure, alongside some of our commissioned shorts through the Micro Short Film Fund.
Educational • Inspiring • Insightful
Part of INDIs Film Fest

For the past 3 months, filmmakers aged 16-25 have been making no-budget, micro-short films exploring stories of freedom and creative expression, in response to the theme of Action and Adventure. At this event, we’ll showcase the shortlisted entries and announce the winning filmmaker, who will receive £1,000 development funding to make their next short.

Our film line-up is:

The Wilds – directed by Greig Johnson (BFI Network)

Bonfire – written and directed by Jake Mark (Micro Short Film Fund)

Canvas of Roots – written and directed by Muhammed Bittaye (Micro Short Film Fund)

Paper Doll – written and directed by Taylor Clark (Micro Short Film Fund)

Action and Adventure Entries:

El Pero directed by Elliot Hearld

Hold On directed by Molly Newberry

The String directed by Ava Lockley

Wheel Escape directed by Mae Agnew

Double Booked – directed by Ruben Gray

The Dispatch – directed by Mikey Pugh

This screening will be followed by a discussion with Leeds-based filmmaker Greig Johnson (The Wilds) alongside the recipients of our Micro Short Film Fund. The panel will discuss the process of DIY filmmaking, provide advice for filmmakers, and answer questions about the film industry.

INDIs Film Fest is one of the UK’s leading film festivals for 16-25 year olds. Showcasing the best in independent cinema, VR, hands-on filmmaking experiences and professional insights. Part of Leeds Young Film, INDIs connects young people with screen industry opportunities while inspiring the next generation of filmmakers and film fans.  


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