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A Story of Bones

Documentary charting the discovery of a mass burial ground of an estimated 9,000 formerly enslaved Africans and the endeavours of the woman who discovered them to have the remains properly commemorated.
Documentary • Challenging • Political

Saint Helena island – a tiny British Overseas Territory in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean – is so remote that the only means of arrival is the world’s last Royal Mail Ship, a six-day journey from Cape Town.

For centuries Saint Helena has existed in near isolation from the rest of the world, a potent symbol of Britain’s colonial past, epitomised by its most famous tourist attraction – Napoleon Bonaparte’s empty tomb.

As the Environmental Officer for Saint Helena’s troubled £285m airport project, Annina Van Neel learned of the island’s most terrible atrocity – an unmarked mass burial ground of an estimated 9,000 formerly enslaved Africans. It is one of the most significant traces of the transatlantic slave trade still on earth.

Haunted by this historical injustice, Annina fights alongside renowned African American preservationist Peggy King Jorde and a group of disenfranchised islanders – many of them descendants of enslaved people – for the proper memorialisation of these forgotten victims.

The resistance they face exposes disturbing truths about the UK’s colonial past – and present.


1hr 35mins
Joseph Curran and Dominic Aubrey de Vere
Tull Stories
Peggy King Jorde • Annina Van Neel
Country of origin
Strobe lighting
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Bereavement/death • Racism
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