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Ollie Jenkins

Marketing & Communications Manager

Ollie looks after all aspects of the cinema's communications – from social media and digital marketing, to brand development, print and press engagement. He also leads on our audience development strategy, helping the cinema become a place even more people in Leeds can enjoy.

My top 5 films

Mary Poppins 1964
2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
Carol 2015
The Matrix 1999
The Rider 2017

“My favourite part of HPPH is the main stairs in the foyer. At certain times, when the light's just right, colours from the stained-glass window gently trickle out onto the steps. It always brightens my day.”

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Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
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Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter