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Martha Boyd

Digital Marketing Coordinator

Martha represents the cinema passionately across all of our digital channels. She manages our new website which involves updating film, venue and accessibility pages, and writing and coordinating content for our new journal pages. She also keeps customers up to date via email newsletters.

My top 5 films

The Shop Around the Corner 1940
Babylon 1980
The Quiet Girl 2022
My Neighbour Totoro 1988
Wadjda 2012

"My favourite part of HPPH is its iconic streetlamp. It greets you like an old friend and has always been my favourite thing in the area when growing up here. It looks particularly beautiful on snow days."

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Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter