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25 Sep 2023

What’s happening in LS6 and beyond?

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Local events happening soon

If you're a new fresher in the city, or a long-term resident, there are always plenty of new and exciting events to discover in Leeds so we've put together a short roundup of some of these that are on our radar.

Scalarama Leeds

Scalarama Leeds launched their DIY film programme with a screening of the brilliant Buck and the Preacher with us on August 23rd, and their programme continues until September 30th, so catch one of their screenings while you can! Tomorrow, our neighbours at Left Bank are hosting the 2022 political drama Janvāris (January), accompanied by a performance of Latvian folk dance and music. On Wednesday, Queer Fear and Citrus Kino will be in Outlaws with their screening of VAMP (1986) followed by a DJ set. On Thursday, there’s a screening of Love Steaks at Archive. On Saturday, the Scalarama Closing Party will be taking place at Wharf Chambers.

Black History Month events

We’re excited to be hosting Black Again! Fifty Years of Blaxploitation, a programme of Blaxploitation films, talks and a fashion competition, to celebrate Black History Month this October. There are lots of other important and exciting events happening across the city to celebrate. Heritage Corner are hosting a series of fascinating Leeds Black History Walks, which offer an opportunity to discover ancient and local narratives with African connections. The Wardrobe are putting on a Black History Month special comedy night on Sunday 8th October. Left Bank are hosting a Black History Month exhibition, beginning on October 4th.

Twenty Years On: The Legacy of Section 28 – Hold it Up Collective events

We were honoured to host the launch of this important series of events run by the Hold it Up Collective where they screened Video 28, a short documentary made in 1988, showing Leeds' vibrant activism scene, interviews and their fight against the introduction of the law. Artists, writers, activists, teachers, and archivists have created events which will shine a light on the different way Section 28 affected people on a personal and collective level. Events they’ve got coming up include a Queer Compulsion to Archive workshop with Emma Bentley Fox and an International Lesbian Day Collaging/Zine workshop at the Hyde Park Art Club.

Transform Festival

Transform Festival is happening from 11th – 22nd October, bringing some of the most groundbreaking performers from across the world to Leeds. From the experimental music and operatic performance of South African artist Desire Marea, joined by a four-piece band at Left Bank, to the Afrofuturistic Dark Matter dance performance at Leeds Beckett, these events are not to be missed.

Comedy at HEART

The disabled led comedy night You Can Laugh, You Know returns to our friends at Headingley Enterprise & Arts Centre (HEART) this Friday.

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