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07 Aug 2024

Hyde Park Pick: Radical


Our Hyde Park Pick this week is Radical directed by Christopher Zalla.

Set in a Mexican border town gripped by neglect and corruption, Radical follows a frustrated teacher (Emmy Award nominee Eugenio Derbez, Coda) as he tries a radical new method to unleash the curiosity and potential of his students.

Wendy Cook

There are dark moments to Radical but it is an inspiring film full of warmth and a lot of good humour which make it a real pleasure to watch, even when it tugs at the heart a little, gently pushing us asunder. But I’m recommending it for a slightly different reason. Or two to be precise.

Firstly there will never be enough stories out there reminding us of the impact a good teacher can have. There needs to be properly funded educational systems and good infrastructure to make an environment where people can freely and safely learn, but on top of that having someone who brings energy and curiosity into that process is just incredible.

Watching Radical made me thing about the teachers that made me. Big shout outs to the kind and patient Mr Mason in my primary school days, then later the reassuring Suzanne Archer and Graham, the Media Studies teacher at Leeds Arts College whose surname I have long lost in my memory, but who unwittingly sent me on a film based path that shaped my adult life. But also to the people in my life now who share learning and knowledge like it’s a well that will never run dry – colleagues, partners, friends and audience members. If we stay open to new knowledge, the possibilities are endless.

Radical (© Altitude)

Then secondly, and hand in hand with the first thought, Radical is a fierce reminder that we need to invest in our children. Time, money, opportunities, ideas…we need to shower them in it all and see what grows.

Inspirational teacher films at their best go hand in hand with stories about the wealth of wonder inherent in every single child. And we need to keep sharing these stories to keep focusing our mind on creating a society where that wonder is nurtured unilaterally and not determined by geography, wealth, race or any other factor.

Radical plays at the Hyde Park Picture House from Friday 09 August. Showtimes, tickets and film details are all available here.

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