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17 Sep 2024

Exciting opportunity at our sister venue

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Apply to be a Programmer at City Varieties Music Hall

Our beloved sister venue, City Varieties, has an exciting new opportunity for someone looking to take on the important role of shaping their programme.

What's the role?

As Programmer, you'll shape the City Varieties Music Hall artistic programme, embracing multiple art forms and creating space for a wide range of different curatorial voices. Establishing and maintaining excellent relationships with promoters and producers, negotiating sound commercial agreements and developing new content initiatives for diverse audiences.

Who's suited to the role?

You will be passionate about the performing arts in all its many forms and eager to work with us to find ways of making the arts more inclusive and welcoming.

You will be experienced in multi-art-form programming and working in commercial theatre and have an appreciation of the City Varieties Music Hall’s role in the cultural sector both in the Leeds City Region and in the UK.


Monday 30 September 2024 (midday).

A brief look at the current variety in City Varieties' programme...

Most Haunted • Tue 29 Oct - Thu 31 Oct

Most Haunted is the original and most successful worldwide paranormal investigation series ever made and premiers its spine-chilling theatre show in 2023/24.

Ned Boulting's Marginal Mystery Tour: 1923 And All That • Fri 01 Nov

Part detective story, part murder mystery, part costume drama, part French farce, Ned weaves his own typically ridiculous story into the astonishing discoveries he makes about the hidden world of the 1923 Tour de France, its characters and tragedies, and ties it all together with the wild upheavals of Europe in-between the wars.

Grace Campbell is on heat • Thu 07 Nov

In her brand new show, the unwaveringly honest comedian will ask big questions about the world, her vagina, and her obsession with making her dog her entire brand…

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Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter