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A Warm Christmas

An African diasporic Christmas family adventure.
Family • Heartfelt • Joyful

Ariel, Jaden and Zarah travel from Canada to Nigeria for the first time to spend Christmas with their grandparents alone. Little did they know it would be Christmas in the village. Not knowing what to expect were they were sceptical, but they learn family and cultural heartfelt lessons along the way.

A Warm Christmas is a rare opportunity to experience an African Christmas from the diasporic perspective. A warm family tale by emerging filmmaker Regina Udalor is the perfect Christmas movie to watch with all the family.

This screening will have a special pre-recorded message from director Regina Udalor. 


Original language title
English and Pidgin
1hr 17mins
Regina Udalor
Rekiya Atta Ibrahim • Bimbo Manuel • Kayla Udalor
Country of origin
Regina Udalor
Strobe lighting
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