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The Shining

The Shining

With Craig Oldham & Village Books
Haunted by a persistent writer's block, the aspiring author and recovering alcoholic, Jack Torrance, drags his wife, Wendy, and his gifted son, Danny, up snow-capped Colorado's secluded Overlook Hotel after taking up a job as an off-season caretaker. 
Horror • Terrifying • Supernatural

As the cavernous hotel shuts down for the season, the manager gives Jack a grand tour, and the facility's chef, the ageing Mr Hallorann, has a fascinating chat with Danny about a rare psychic gift called "The Shining", making sure to warn him about the hotel's abandoned rooms, and, in particular, the off-limits Room 237. However, instead of overcoming the dismal creative rut, little by little, Jack starts losing his mind, trapped in an unforgiving environment of seemingly endless snowstorms, in the hotel riddled with strange occurrences and eerie visions.

At this special screening, relaunching our long-running Creatures of the Night strand – we'll be joined on stage before the film by Craig Oldham, in conversation with Farran Golding. 

Craig Oldham is an award-winning designer and editor of the recently published The Shining: A Visual and Cultural Haunting from Rough Trade Books. Village Books will be  joining us at the screening, with signed copies of the book available to buy on the night.  


1hr 59mins
Stanley Kubrick
Park Circus (PA0073)
Jack Nicholson • Shelley Duvall • Danny Lloyd
Country of origin
Strobe lighting
Guidance unavailable
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Abuse (mental/emotional) • Abuse (physical inc bullying) • Violence
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