The Girl with All the Gifts
Why watch?
“An original UK zombie classic in its own right, this film also invites new philosophical perspectives on the apocalyptic imagination: challenging assumptions about what makes us human in times of existential crisis; questioning the ethics of survival and the forms of exploitation that come from the survival extinct. In this short talk, I’ll be focusing especially on the use of the “fungal imaginary”, original for its time and now ubiquitous in film, literature and philosophy. Fungal spread evokes both awe and horror, representing both the tenacity of life on Earth, and its destructive capabilities…”
Dr. Stefan Skrimshire,
University of Leeds
At an army base in rural England, a group of unique children are being studied, subjected to cruel experiments by biologist Dr. Caldwell. Despite having been infected with the zombie pathogen that has decimated the world, these children retain normal thoughts and emotions. And while still being subject to the craving for human flesh that marks the disease these second-generation “hungries” are able to think and feel making them a vital resource in the search for a cure.
The Girl with All the Gifts has been selected by Dr. Stefan Skrimshire, part of our Philosophy & Film strand and will be followed by a short talk exploring philosophical themes raised.