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The Blair Witch Project on 35mm

Appropriately screening on 35mm, get scared witless by the found footage phenomenon of the late 90s.
Horror • Cult • Supernatural

There are many legends about the woods around the Black Hills in Burkittsville, Maryland: the ghost of Elly Kedward, a woman banished for witchcraft in 1785, Rustin Parr, a hermit who lived in the forest and abducted and murdered seven children in the 1940s and ritualistic slaughter at Coffin Rock in the 1900s.

But these are just stories, right? Maybe so, but in 1994, three student filmmakers - Heather, Michael and Joshua hike into the Black Hills to film a documentary about a local myth known as the Blair Witch. The three disappear, but their equipment and footage are discovered a year later.

The film is infamous, not least for it's knowing and hugely successful use of viral marketing, and you can still discover the original website, archived for posterity.

Is it scariest film ever? Perhaps. It's certainly one of the creepiest, right up to its terrifying final shot.

For a film about a lost film, this is a rare and apt opportunity to see The Blair Witch Project on 35mm this Halloween.


1hr 21mins
Daniel Myrick
Lions Gate Films UK (RE2610)
Heather Donahue • Joshua Leonard • Michael Williams
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