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The Afterlight

Charlie Shackleton presents fragments of hundreds of films from around the world bringing together an ensemble cast in this unique work that exists only as a single 35mm print.
Artist Film • Philosophical • Melancholic

Fragments of hundreds of films from around the world bring together an ensemble cast of actors with one thing in common: each is no longer alive. Together, they contend with a fragile existence lived solely through these traces of their work.

The Afterlight itself exists as a single 35mm film print. Further eroding every time it is screened, the film is a living document of its life in circulation. Eventually, it will disappear entirely.

This screening will have a live intro with director Charlie Shackleton, who is also presenting our Forbidden Films... in a Day event on Saturday 11th May. Tickets and more information here.


1hr 22mins
Charlie Shackleton
Country of origin
Strobe lighting
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