Terminator 2: Judgement Day
In the thrilling sequel to the 1984 smash hit, Sarah Connor's son is attacked by a shape-shifting T-1000, an unstoppable new robot created by Skynet to destroy humanity. To protect young John Connor, another Terminator, identical to the model that tried and failed to kill Sarah Connor last time, is also sent back through time to protect them. Let the ground-breaking special effects, explosive action and cyborgs punching things commence!
This film is screening as part of 'Hello Gorgeous' season, our big cinematic way of saying hello to all the lovely new students who have joined us this September. Sign up to our free 15-25 Membership to get up to two free tickets for this screening! However, you're welcome to come along with standard tickets if you're not a 15-25 member!
More Creatures of the Night!
“Top-flight kick-ass entertainment.”
“Cleverly combines the most successful elements of its predecessor with a number of new twists.”
Los Angeles Times
“As with "Aliens," director James Cameron has again taken a first rate science fiction film and crafted a sequel that's in some ways more impressive - expanding on the original rather than merely remaking it.”