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Room 237

Room 237

Through interviews with cultists and scholars, Room 237 is a kaleidoscopic deconstruction of Kubrick’s disputed classic.
Documentary • Provocative • Quirky

After the box office failure of Barry Lyndon, Stanley Kubrick decided to embark on a project that might have more commercial appeal. The Shining, Stephen King’s biggest critical and commercial success yet, seemed like a perfect vehicle. After an arduous production, Kubrick’s film received a wide release in the summer of 1980; the reviews were mixed, but the box office, after a slow start, eventually picked up. End of story? Hardly.

In the 30 years since the film’s release, a considerable cult of Shining devotees has emerged, fans who claim to have decoded the film’s secret messages addressing everything from the genocide of Native Americans to a range of government conspiracies. Rodney Ascher’s wry and provocative Room 237 fuses fact and fiction through interviews with cultists and scholars, creating a kaleidoscopic deconstruction of Kubrick’s still-controversial classic.

Selected by Dr. Jim Baxter from the IDEA Centre (University of Leeds), the film will be followed by a short talk from Jim, exploring some of the philosophical themes raised, before discussion is opened up to the audience. 


1hr 42mins
Rodney Ascher
Bill Blakemore • Juli Kearns • Geoffrey Cocks
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