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Puffin Rock and the New Friends

When the last Little Egg of the season disappears under mysterious circumstances, Oona and some new friends race to bring it home before a big storm hits Puffin Rock and puts the entire island in danger.

Childrens • Gentle • Intimate

From three time academy award nominated Irish Animation Studio, Cartoon Saloon (Secret of the Kells, Song of the Sea, Wolfwalkers).

Celebrating Ireland’s magnificent natural environment with themes of belonging, courage, and friendship Puffin Rock and the New Friends follows family favourites from the animated series Oona, Baba, May, and Mossy who are joined by a new cast of characters as Isabelle, Phoenix, and Marvin arrive on the island.

When the last Little Egg of the season disappears under mysterious circumstances. Oona and her new friends race against time to bring the Little Egg home before a big storm hits Puffin Rock and puts the entire island in danger.


Tickets are required for all children and accompanying adults.

No adult unaccompanied by a child will be admitted. 


Original language title
Creag Nam Buthaidean Agus Na Caraidean Ura
1hr 20mins
Jeremy Purcell, Lorraine Lordan
Chris O'Dowd • Amy Huberman • Beth McCafferty
Country of origin
UK • Ireland
Strobe lighting
Guidance unavailable
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