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Night of the Kings

Why watch?

Coming back to Night of the Kings in the grandeur of the Picture House feels like an opportunity to revel in the film’s rich narrative as well as the strange tension between the scale of the community which feels almost like a kingdom, but also the claustrophobia that is such an inherent part of any film set inside a prison.

Wendy Cook,

Head of Cinema

This week's Hyde Park Pick

13 Feb 2024 programme

To stay alive in an infamous Ivory Coast prison, a young man begins to narrate the mystical life of a legendary outlaw in this spectacular tale of survival and beautiful ode to the power of storytelling.
Drama • Heartfelt

Spectacular, thrilling and absolutely unique, Night of the Kings is both an exhilarating tale of survival in one of the world’s most dangerous prisons and a beautiful ode to the power of storytelling.

When a young man is sent to an infamous prison, located in the middle of the Ivorian forest and ruled by its inmates, he is chosen to take part in a storytelling ritual just as a violent battle for control bubbles to the surface. After discovering the grim fate that awaits him at the end of the night, Roman begins to narrate the mystical life of a legendary outlaw to make his story last until dawn and give himself any chance of survival.

This film was selected by our programming partner, Maona Art.


Original language title
La Nuit des rois
1hr 33mins
Philippe Lacôte
Bakary Koné • Steve Tientcheu • Jean Cyrille Digbeu
Country of origin
France • Côte d'Ivoire • Canada • Senegal
French • Dyula • Nushi
Strobe lighting
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