Danny DeVito’s 1996 family comedy based on the Roald Dahl children's fantasy book following a young girl (Mara Wilson) with a brilliant mind, the parents (De Vito and Rhea Pearlman) that constantly mistreat her, the lovely teacher (Embeth Davidtz) who recognises her gift, and the dreaded Miss Trunchbull (Pam Ferris) - the abusive headmistress who punishes her students by locking them in 'The Chokey'.
All our Hyde & Seek Screenings are Pay What You Can including £0.
For our Saturday screening, join us at 10.30am for a drop-in, self-led accompanying activity.
Our Sunday morning Hyde & Seek screenings at 11:00 in Screen Two are Autism friendly. These relaxed screenings are intended to provide a safe environment for neurodiverse audiences and anyone who finds standard screenings challenging. They feature prompt start times, raised lighting, reduced volume and a relaxed attitude to noise/moving around. To give audiences extra space, we reduce the capacity at these screenings, so pre-booking is advised as they often sell out.