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Io capitano

Why watch?

A triumph of a film! The unbreakable bond of the boys, the vast scale of their journey is beautifully shot, the determination and ability to rise to the challenge and become men whilst wanting nothing but their mothers. I loved this film, and it must be seen BIG.


Creative Engagement Officer
Io capitano is an emotional spectacle of the immense journey taken by many, survived by few. 
Drama • Gripping • Moving

In this acclaimed film which won top directing and acting prizes at the Venice Film Festival, writer and director Garrone presents a "reverse shot" of the immigration experience while unfurling an epic, cinematographically magnificent odyssey from West Africa to Italy.

The story is told through the mind’s eye and experiences of two Senegalese teenagers living in Dakar who yearn for a brighter future in Europe. Yet between their dreams and reality lies a treacherous journey through a labyrinth of checkpoints, the scorched Saharan desert, a fetid North African prison and the vast waters of the Mediterranean, where thousands have died packed inside vessels barely fit for passage.


2hrs 2mins
Matteo Garrone
Altitude Film Distribution (AL1255)
Seydou Sarr • Moustapha Fall • Issaka Sawadogo
Country of origin
Italy • Belgium • France
Wolof • French • English
Strobe lighting
Guidance unavailable
Content guidance
Bereavement/death • Bloody violence/gore/torture
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