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Bye Bye Love
18 TBC

Until the 2018 discovery of a film negative in a warehouse, Bye Bye Love was long considered lost; a new print gives audiences a rare chance to revisit this radical work from 1974.

Following two young people, Utamaro and Giiko, on a doomed summer road trip through Japan, Isao Fujisawa’s poetic, surreal work reflects on the dissipating promise of 1960s counterculture and free love.

The film is stylistically influenced by the French New Wave and American New Cinema, notably Jean-Luc Godard and Arthur Penn. Yet the main character’s name – Utamaro – also suggests a rethinking of Japanese artistic traditions, especially male perspectives on feminine beauty. Here, romantic love transcends gender, sexuality, and even the body; a queer challenge to conventional understandings of relationships that adds to the political charge of this rediscovered classic.

Screening as part of the Queer East touring Film Festival.


Original language title
バイバイ・ラブ (Baibai rabu)
1hr 25mins
Isao Fujisawa
Miyabi Ichijō • Ren Tamura • Atsuko Ami
Country of origin
Japanese with English Subtitles
Strobe lighting
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