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In partnership with Leeds Arts University
Set in the courtyard of a house in Bamako, the capital city of Mali, the intimate, personal story of an African couple on the verge of breaking up is told alongside a very public political trial.
Drama • Political • Critically Acclaimed

Mélé is a bar singer and her unemployed husband, Chaka, is sinking into silence. Despite having a daughter, their marriage is gradually falling apart. They live in a house that they share with several families. In the courtyard, a surprising event is taking place: the trial of African civil society against the World Bank and the IMF.

The film mixes a fictional part scripted by Sissako with an improvised trial involving real lawyers, jury members and witnesses. The various 'actors' in the trial have thus developed their own arguments and pleadings, giving an unique artistic and political vision of globalisation and its consequences in the African continent.

Presented on 35mm, the film will be introduced by filmmaker and member of The School of Mutants, Valérie Osouf.

The screening is in partnership with Leeds Arts University and their exhibition: All Fragments of the Word Will Come Back Here to Mend Each Other by The School of Mutants (1 February - 28 March, Blenheim Walk Gallery, 10am - 4pm, Mon-Sat). 


Original language title
The Court
1hr 52mins
Abderrahmane Sissako
Aïssa Maïga • Tiécoura Traoré • Hélène Diarra
Country of origin
Mali • France • USA
French • Bambara • English • Hebrew
Strobe lighting
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