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A River Runs Between Our Streets #1

Spanning five decades and four continents, A River Runs Between Our Streets is a weekend of screenings which brings together work by 22 international artists, filmmakers and collectives in a dialogue about the complexities, realities and poetics of migration.
Artist Film

Labour migration, Brexit, naturalisation, intercontinental family binds and the relationship between urban gentrification and migration, are some of the issues touched on in Saturday’s collection of short films by Krsto Papić, Maria Anastassiou, Alex Rivera, Bruce Baillie, Collectif Faire-part, Black Audio Film Collective and Fairuz Ghammam.

Artists Maria Anastassiou (in person), and Fairuz Ghammam (online) will join to discuss their work.

The afternoon will be presented in two parts with a short break for complimentary refreshments in the community room. 

Part of Pavilion Presents, in partnership with Migration Yorkshire.


The Special Trains / Specijalni vlakovi) Krsto Papić 1972, 15 min, Yugoslavia/Croatia

Way My It Did I Maria Anastassiou 2020, 38 min, UK

Why Cybraceros? Alex Rivera, 1997, 5 min, USA

Mr Hayashi Bruce Baillie, 1961, 3 min, USA

The Stopover / L’Escale Collectif Faire-part 2022, 14 min, Belgium/The Democratic Republic of the Congo

Twilight City Black Audio Film Collective, 1989, 52 min, UK

Culture / cultuur Fairuz Ghammam, 2022, 15 min, Belgium


3hrs 30mins
Pavillion (PA1877)
Country of origin
Various with English subtitles
Strobe lighting
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