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CLICK & COLLECT - El Salvador ground coffee


We’re now selling our delicious coffee to take home, supplied by our local coffee roaster & supplier North Star! You can purchase this online and collect from the cinema, or buy in person at the box office. We usually have this in stock and receive deliveries weekly. £11.50 RRP - MEMBERS' OFFER only £10.

El Salvador Chelazos (250g ground coffee)

This staple coffee is the collective effort of four micro entrepreneurs in the town of La Palma in the region of Chalatenango – an area well known for Naif art which covers roadside buildings in bright, colourful murals. Home of the North Star funded impact project. Expect Plum, Caramel, Tangerine flavours.

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Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter
Become a member!  •  Ticket discounts  •  Priority booking  •  40% off MUBI  •  Become a member!  •  Free tickets  •  Food & drink discounts  •  Members’ newsletter